Players Involved & Timeline

Sunshine Solar Energy


Sunshine Solar is able to complete all authorization process necessary for solar field implementation.

Key Sunshine Solar advantage is a consolidated relation with local stakeholders thanks to its deep knowledge of Public Administration environment.

Sunshine Solar assures authorization process completion in a limited timeframe through a direct "follow up" with all local Institutions involved in the process.

Authorization Process

Key Steps Description
Statute alignment Include electricity production actitivity in company statute
Grid connection auth. (Preliminary) Receive preliminary acceptance to grid connection
Connection solution study Develop a technical study by Energy Operator to identify feasibility and costs of grid connection
Urbanistic plan Dedicate a fully owned / long term rented land to photovoltaic initiative with a specific urbanistic plan
Gas authorization Ensure that there is no risk in terms of gas misuse
Public Health authorization Verify that Public Health is assured in initiative implementation
Environment auth. (Preliminary) Receive preliminary confirmation of project alignment to environmental legislation
Construction authorization Obtain preliminary construction authorization to be confirmed in case of EU funds achievement (and consequently paying 1,25% tax on total CAPEX)
Grid connection auth. Receive acceptance from Local Operator to connect to grid after the confirmation of results emerging from connection solution study
Environment authorization Achieve Environmental Local Authority permission to implement a photovoltaic field with characteristics defined in feasibility study
Production Authorization Obtain the status of authorized electricity producer from Rumanian National Electricity Authority (ANRE)
Production Licence Be authorized to supply grid network through energy produced in photovoltaic field
Grid physical connection Establish field connection to National grid network and start energy delivering
Main Player
National AuthorityLocal AuthorityEnergy OperatorANRE

Example & Key Players

  • Authorization process completion thanks to a constructive relation establishment with: National Authorities, Local Authorities, Energy Operators
  • Process completed in 4 months after land identification
Ministry of Economy
Ministry of the Environment


1. 2. 3.
Statute Alignment  
Grid conn. auth. (Preliminary)
Connection solution study
Urbanistic plan
Gas authorization
Public Health authorization
Environment auth. (Preliminary)
4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Construction authorization
Connection solution study
Urbanistic plan
Gas authorization
10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Product License      
  Grid. Connection  

Sunshine Solar Energy
Str. Matache Dobrescu 10, Sector 3, Bucarest,

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